Year end and vision casting!

There is so, so much enjoyment to be had in this season, at least for me. This is a relatively new sensation, as I have been ambivalently entertained by Christmas for most of my life, if not downright Scrooge-like during the hardest times. That all changed last year. For the first time, I was able to give as generously as I wanted. I was able to not worry about the cost of a Christmas tree. I had my own space to bake and bless to my heart’s content, and friends to bestow those fruits on. I got to experience the story of Christ with newfound depth, and it shook me afresh in a way I so desperately needed. I dunno, it just seemed more magical than it ever had been before.

Maybe it was because I gave myself permission to relax. After all, the end of last year was the end of my busiest year ever up ‘til then. It was a much needed and earned respite for my weary mind, heart, and body. Every small business (heck, everyONE) knows the sense of elation and exhaustion that comes with the holiday season, and the sense of relief when the busy time is over.

It also hit me, for the first time in a long time, just how blessed I am. These things hold true in the past tense of last year as well as the present tense this year. I have a great job, doing what I love. I have a thriving friend circle. My family is mostly healthy and happy. I have a precious husband, and a sweet derp of a dog. I feel closer to Jesus than I have in my life (not because of success, mind you, but because I’ve put effort into building the relationship). I’ve got so much to be grateful for.

I know that’s not everyone’s story, especially after the last couple years. I don’t want to come across as insensitive as I reflect. But as you read this with working eyes, and hold a phone or device that works, connected to internet that works, in a comfy chair, in a warm place, with (you’d better have one!) a cup of steaming Cornerstone Tea next to you… even if your list doesn’t look exactly like mine, I am sure your list is just as meaningful to you.

Sometimes, in the hard times of life (trust me, I’ve been there too, my dear friend), it’s the little things to be grateful for that make the difference. A pretty tree. A cute dog. A funny YouTube. A baby smiling at you in a restaurant. The taste of a good tea at the end of a long day. These are the little things that string us between bigger things. If I accomplish anything in my life, I hope that my tea can be one of those little things that helps you stay afloat.

I go to all this trouble to say, I am so incredibly grateful for each and every one of you, too. Sometimes chatting with one of you on Facebook, or at an event, or anywhere else is the little thing that gets me through. Seeing your face light up when you smell That Tea I Told You About for the first time, or reading a raving review, or seeing your kids get excited to see the Tea Lady are a few more. You, all of you, make what I do worthwhile. I am blessed and honored to call you not just customers, but friends. THANK YOU!

Alright, time to switch gears to some vision casting. As I look towards 2022 and start booking spring events (yes, even now) I have plans to range further than I ever have before. As far as new territory, I have feelers out for Charleston, Myrtle Beach, Bristol, Nashville, and even perhaps even Florida! So, stay tuned for announcements as they occur.

I also have plans to introduce SEVERAL new teas to the lineup. They may be short term, limited runs. Some of them are going to be what I call ‘Gold Label’ due to the prices and specialness of the ingredients. I can’t wait to share them with you!

I will be retiring a few teas. I have a limited supply left of Summer Rose and Grapefruit Vanilla Oolong. Needless to say, those are niche teas and I doubt anyone will lose sleep over their absence. But fair warning, they’re already off the website, so if you want them, you’ll have to message me.

I will also be reworking my green tea family. To be perfectly honest, green tea is my least sold line. I intend to spruce it up big time with some interesting new blends. Stay tuned!

Additionally, the website blog will receive more than a glancing grimace from me, as it has this year. There will be blogs, recipes, tutorials, videos, kits, subscriptions, and maybe even classes! I can’t wait to put legs on some of my ideas. (I just know I’m gonna be a pain in Bryan’s neck, and I can’t wait haha)

So as we settle into the sprint towards the end of the year and find our rhythm despite the chaos, I encourage you to find a little thing to be grateful for each day. Take pause. Reflect. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. And if that little thing happens to be a cup of tea, rest assured my friend, I will be sipping and rejoicing right alongside you.

Merry Christmas, from us to you!


Wild Strawberry Lemonade Recipe!


And so it begins… hello world!